Spring 2025
Below, you will find the selection of courses we are offering this winter (April-June). All Latin and ancient Greek courses presume prior knowledge of the given language. The Old English course does not presume prior knowledge.
The levels (novice, intermediate, advanced) refer to your ability to produce the language (i.e., speaking), not necessarily to your level of knowledge about the language, i.e., you may be able to read/translate Latin but have never spoken Latin before, this may mean that you’d be better suited to a novice speaking course. Each case is different, so if you want more detail on fluency levels, here are the ACTFL proficiency guidelines with samples (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). Please contact us if you have any questions!
LAC course level: ACTFL level
Novice: novice to intermediate-low
Intermediate: intermediate-mid to advanced-mid
Advanced: advanced-high through distinguished