Fabulae Faciles 2 (Novice High - Intermediate)



Holly "Annula" Russo


"Fabulae Faciles 2 is a continuation of a class that ran on LAC in the fall, which covered the first several chapters of Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles. New students and students wishing to continue the Fall course are both welcome!

Fabulae Faciles 2 is designed for those who have worked through Oerberg’s Lingua Latina per se Illustrata and are looking for more opportunities to practice reading and discussing Latin texts in Latin. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles consists of four mythological stories (Perseus, Hercules, the Argonauts, and selections from the Odyssey) which gradually increase in their linguistic complexity. This text was designed as a scaffold for novice high - intermediate students who are working towards the goal of reading ancient authors like Caesar without relying on translation.

Each class session will be conducted entirely in Latin, with opportunities to ask questions in English at the end. There will be no expectation for the participants to prepare for the readings in advance.

To decide whether this course is right for you, read the selections below from the first and last chapters of the book. Fabulae Faciles 2 will be beneficial for you if:

A. The first text is more or less comprehensible to you, but you are not able to read the second selection without help from grammars, dictionaries, or translations, OR

B. You are more or less able to understand the main idea and general details of both selections (without any help from grammars, dictionaries, or translations), but would like to achieve a more complete and thorough understanding of the text (including from a grammatical perspective).

I. Perseus:

Perseus igitur multōs annōs ibi habitābat, et cum mātre suā vītam beātam agēbat. At Polydectēs Danaēn [matrem Persei] magnopere amābat, atque eam in mātrimōnium dūcere volēbat. Hoc tamen cōnsilium Perseō minimē grātum erat. Polydectēs igitur Perseum dīmittere cōnstituit. Tum iuvenem ad sē vocāvit et haec dīxit: ""Turpe est hanc ignāvam vītam agere; iam dūdum tū adulēscēns es. Quō usque hīc manēbis? Tempus est arma capere et virtūtem praestāre. Hinc abī, et caput Medūsae mihi refer.""

IV. Ulixes

Ulixēs cum ab hōrā septimā ad vesperum exspectāsset, veritus nē sociī suī in perīculō versārentur, nōnnūllōs ē reliquīs mīsit, ut quae causa esset mōrae cognōscerent. Hī igitur in terram expositī ad vīcum quī nōn longē aberat sē contulērunt; quō cum vēnissent, sociōs suōs quasi vīnō ēbriōs repperērunt. Tum ubi causam veniendī docuērunt, iīs persuādēre cōnābantur ut sēcum ad nāvem redīrent. "

Sessions will take place via Zoom and are capped at 8 participants to ensure a personalized learning environment.


8 1-hour sessions over 8 weeks

Thursday, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST*

16 January, 2025 - 06 March, 2025

*The course will observe US time and will change according to daylight savings time.

Major US federal holidays are observed. If a participant misses a session due to their observance of a religious holiday, they can arrange a separate session with the instructor.


USD 200 ($25/ session)

What you’ll need:

  • Zoom

  • Decent internet

  • Earphones

  • Microphone

  • Webcam (preferred but optional)

  • A quiet space for classes



Holly "Annula" Russo


"Fabulae Faciles 2 is a continuation of a class that ran on LAC in the fall, which covered the first several chapters of Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles. New students and students wishing to continue the Fall course are both welcome!

Fabulae Faciles 2 is designed for those who have worked through Oerberg’s Lingua Latina per se Illustrata and are looking for more opportunities to practice reading and discussing Latin texts in Latin. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles consists of four mythological stories (Perseus, Hercules, the Argonauts, and selections from the Odyssey) which gradually increase in their linguistic complexity. This text was designed as a scaffold for novice high - intermediate students who are working towards the goal of reading ancient authors like Caesar without relying on translation.

Each class session will be conducted entirely in Latin, with opportunities to ask questions in English at the end. There will be no expectation for the participants to prepare for the readings in advance.

To decide whether this course is right for you, read the selections below from the first and last chapters of the book. Fabulae Faciles 2 will be beneficial for you if:

A. The first text is more or less comprehensible to you, but you are not able to read the second selection without help from grammars, dictionaries, or translations, OR

B. You are more or less able to understand the main idea and general details of both selections (without any help from grammars, dictionaries, or translations), but would like to achieve a more complete and thorough understanding of the text (including from a grammatical perspective).

I. Perseus:

Perseus igitur multōs annōs ibi habitābat, et cum mātre suā vītam beātam agēbat. At Polydectēs Danaēn [matrem Persei] magnopere amābat, atque eam in mātrimōnium dūcere volēbat. Hoc tamen cōnsilium Perseō minimē grātum erat. Polydectēs igitur Perseum dīmittere cōnstituit. Tum iuvenem ad sē vocāvit et haec dīxit: ""Turpe est hanc ignāvam vītam agere; iam dūdum tū adulēscēns es. Quō usque hīc manēbis? Tempus est arma capere et virtūtem praestāre. Hinc abī, et caput Medūsae mihi refer.""

IV. Ulixes

Ulixēs cum ab hōrā septimā ad vesperum exspectāsset, veritus nē sociī suī in perīculō versārentur, nōnnūllōs ē reliquīs mīsit, ut quae causa esset mōrae cognōscerent. Hī igitur in terram expositī ad vīcum quī nōn longē aberat sē contulērunt; quō cum vēnissent, sociōs suōs quasi vīnō ēbriōs repperērunt. Tum ubi causam veniendī docuērunt, iīs persuādēre cōnābantur ut sēcum ad nāvem redīrent. "

Sessions will take place via Zoom and are capped at 8 participants to ensure a personalized learning environment.


8 1-hour sessions over 8 weeks

Thursday, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST*

16 January, 2025 - 06 March, 2025

*The course will observe US time and will change according to daylight savings time.

Major US federal holidays are observed. If a participant misses a session due to their observance of a religious holiday, they can arrange a separate session with the instructor.


USD 200 ($25/ session)

What you’ll need:

  • Zoom

  • Decent internet

  • Earphones

  • Microphone

  • Webcam (preferred but optional)

  • A quiet space for classes


Holly "Annula" Russo


"Fabulae Faciles 2 is a continuation of a class that ran on LAC in the fall, which covered the first several chapters of Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles. New students and students wishing to continue the Fall course are both welcome!

Fabulae Faciles 2 is designed for those who have worked through Oerberg’s Lingua Latina per se Illustrata and are looking for more opportunities to practice reading and discussing Latin texts in Latin. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles consists of four mythological stories (Perseus, Hercules, the Argonauts, and selections from the Odyssey) which gradually increase in their linguistic complexity. This text was designed as a scaffold for novice high - intermediate students who are working towards the goal of reading ancient authors like Caesar without relying on translation.

Each class session will be conducted entirely in Latin, with opportunities to ask questions in English at the end. There will be no expectation for the participants to prepare for the readings in advance.

To decide whether this course is right for you, read the selections below from the first and last chapters of the book. Fabulae Faciles 2 will be beneficial for you if:

A. The first text is more or less comprehensible to you, but you are not able to read the second selection without help from grammars, dictionaries, or translations, OR

B. You are more or less able to understand the main idea and general details of both selections (without any help from grammars, dictionaries, or translations), but would like to achieve a more complete and thorough understanding of the text (including from a grammatical perspective).

I. Perseus:

Perseus igitur multōs annōs ibi habitābat, et cum mātre suā vītam beātam agēbat. At Polydectēs Danaēn [matrem Persei] magnopere amābat, atque eam in mātrimōnium dūcere volēbat. Hoc tamen cōnsilium Perseō minimē grātum erat. Polydectēs igitur Perseum dīmittere cōnstituit. Tum iuvenem ad sē vocāvit et haec dīxit: ""Turpe est hanc ignāvam vītam agere; iam dūdum tū adulēscēns es. Quō usque hīc manēbis? Tempus est arma capere et virtūtem praestāre. Hinc abī, et caput Medūsae mihi refer.""

IV. Ulixes

Ulixēs cum ab hōrā septimā ad vesperum exspectāsset, veritus nē sociī suī in perīculō versārentur, nōnnūllōs ē reliquīs mīsit, ut quae causa esset mōrae cognōscerent. Hī igitur in terram expositī ad vīcum quī nōn longē aberat sē contulērunt; quō cum vēnissent, sociōs suōs quasi vīnō ēbriōs repperērunt. Tum ubi causam veniendī docuērunt, iīs persuādēre cōnābantur ut sēcum ad nāvem redīrent. "

Sessions will take place via Zoom and are capped at 8 participants to ensure a personalized learning environment.


8 1-hour sessions over 8 weeks

Thursday, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST*

16 January, 2025 - 06 March, 2025

*The course will observe US time and will change according to daylight savings time.

Major US federal holidays are observed. If a participant misses a session due to their observance of a religious holiday, they can arrange a separate session with the instructor.


USD 200 ($25/ session)

What you’ll need:

  • Zoom

  • Decent internet

  • Earphones

  • Microphone

  • Webcam (preferred but optional)

  • A quiet space for classes

NOTA BENE: Classes require a minimum number of participants to run although they may run with fewer participants, at the instructor’s discretion.

Refund policy:

More than a week before the start of the course: 100% refund or credit
Less than a week before the first class up until the second class: credit