Tim Smith


Salve!  I’m Tim Smith (Timotheus Latine).  I started learning Latin the old fashioned way in high school, received a BA in Classics from the College of the Holy Cross in 1996 and MA in Humanities from the University of Chicago in 1997.  I also spent a semester abroad in Rome at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies.  For the past twenty years, I’ve been teaching Latin, Greek, and classical Literature and History in elementary and high schools and now teach in Loveland, Colorado.  In 2014, despite having dismissed the speaking of Latin not only as frivolous but likely impossible, I finally gave in to my wife’s hectoring and went to Rusticatio.  There I found that just about everything I thought about learning Latin was wrong and I became an instant and zealous convert to the value of living Latin.  Since then, I’ve worked to learn more about second language acquisition, better methods for teaching, and broadening my knowledge of Latin literature from ancient Rome through the Humanist era.  I’ve served as coquus at numerous Rusticationes and as a repetitor and founder of Biduum Coloratanum. I also run the YouTube Latin Cooking Channel Coquamus and am co-host of the food-related Latin podcast Secunda Mensa.  I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife and daughter.  In my spare time, I’m an avid gardener, a passionate cook, and ride my mountain bike as often as my other hobbies allow.