Episodion Quartum Decimum: Dē Rēbus Amittendīs et Inveniendīs

Hello all! Welcome to Rem Tenē: a Latin podcast using comprehensible input to help beginner and intermediate Latin learners acquire the language in a fun and compelling way. The transcript for this episode can be found in the episode description where you can follow along. Remember that we will speak twice in the episode: once slowly with words and phrases occasionally defined in English and again at a more natural speaking speed and no definitions. If you enjoy this, you can support us here on Spotify for Podcasters or on Patreon at Latinitas Animi Causa. Although everything on this podcast will be free, your support is what allows us to do what we do. Remember to leave a rating and review to help others find this podcast more easily! Thanks for joining us and enjoy the episode!

Salvēte sodālēs! Haec seriēs est Rem Tenē. Est seriēs sermōnum Latīnōrum ad linguam Latīnam discendam. Mihi nōmen est Andrēās et hodiē vōbīscum loquī volō dē rēbus amittendīs et inveniendīs. Est mihi amīcus nōmine Iustīnus quī hāc dē rē mē loquī voluit ergō vōbīs dē hāc rē dīcam! Hoc episōdion erit breve, nōn longum, quia aegrōtō neque diū loquī possum. Nōn saepe rēs amittō nam semper scīre volō ubī rēs meae sint. Rēs meās in locīs certīs pōnō nē eās amittam. Telephōnum semper in locō certō pōnō. Clāvēs semper in locō certō pōnō. Computātrum, tabellam electronicam nōmine iPad, conchās auditōriās, et omnia cētera mea semper in locō certō pōnō. Sed, quōdam diē, conchās auditōriās meās invenīre nōn potuī. Eās diū quaerēbam. Eās quaerēbam in culīnā, in conclāvī scholasticō, in exedriō, in cubiculō dormītōriō. Etiam eās quaerēbam in locō sēcrētō! Neque tamen in culīnā neque in conclāvī scholasticō neque in exedriō neque in cubiculō dormītōriō eās invenīre potuī. Eās prōrsus amīsī! Valdē trīstis fuī nam saepe conchīs auditōriīs ūtor ad musicam audiendam et ad sermōnēs audiendōs. Rēs amittere, ut suprā dīxī, nōn soleō. Tandem, paucōs post diēs, eās invēnī! Proh dolor, fuērunt in braccīs quās laveram in machinā lavātōriā! Ēheu! Sed, mīrābile dictū!, eīs ūtī potuī neque fractae erant!

Bene, satis est. Haec hodiē habuī quae dīcerem! Quid vōs? Rēs amittere solētis?

Nōbīs scrībere potestis apud apple podcasts vel spotify vel etiam situm nostrum habesnelac.com/contact. Volumus audīre respōnsa vestra! Grātiās vōbīs agimus quia nōs loquentēs audītis. Sperāmus fore ut hoc episodion vōbīs placeat! Curāte ut in proximum valeātis! Et mementōte: Rem tenēte, verba sequentur.


Episodion Quintum Decimum: Quid diēbus Veneris facere soleō?


Episodion Tertium Decimum: Dē Caelō