Episodion Prīmum: Praefātio

English: Hello all! My name is Andrew “Andreas” Morehouse, Latin teacher and co-founder of Latinitas Animi Causa or LAC. Welcome to “Rem Tenē,”a Latin podcast the creation of which was inspired by the Spanish Podcast Cuentame by Marta Ruiz Yedinak. Her podcast has been invaluable in my Spanish teaching and learning and we owe her a great debt of gratitude. The link to her show is available in the description. Hearing her production inspired us, Ilse, my wife and other co-founder of LAC, and me, to create this series for Latin learners like you. The name “Rem Tene” is drawn from the famous quote of Cato the Censor: Rem Tene, Verba Sequentur. “Understand the matter, the words will follow.” This, we believe, is a major tenet of Comprehensible Input informed instruction: words will come but just understand what’s going on first. If you want to support us, you can donate to us here on Anchor or support us on Patreon at Latinitas Animi Causa. All content, however, on this podcast (and all of our podcasts) will always be free of charge. We hope you enjoy this new project and find it useful! Thank you for listening!

Salvete sodales! Haec series est “Rem Tenē.” Est seriēs sermōnum Latīnōrum ad linguam Latīnam discendam. Mihi nōmen est Andreas et magister sum linguae Latinae, linguae Graecae, et linguae Hispanicae. Doceō discipulōs hās linguās in cīvitāte Connecticutā quae est cīvitās in Cīvitātibus Foederātīs Americānīs (CFA, CFA, CFA). Nōn natus sum in cīvitāte Connecticutā sed in cīvitāte Massacusettā, in urbe nōmine Tauntōniā. Tauntōnia est parva urbs prope Bostōniam quae est caput cīvitātis Massacusettae. Haec seriēs “Rem tene” est seriēs sermōnum hebdomadālis iīs quī linguam Latīnam discere volunt. Episōdia nostra duās versiōnēs habēbunt. Prīmum, loquēmur lentē et significātiōnēs verbōrum Anglice dicēmus. Posteā, tōtam rem iterum dicēmus celerius neque Anglice loquēmur. Loquēmur dē multīs et variīs argumentīs. Exemplī grātiā, loquēmur dē familiā, animālibus domesticīs, scholīs nostrīs, diēbus festīs, et aliīs rēbus. Episōdia brēvia erunt nam longa episodia taediōsa esse possunt. Grātiās vōbīs agimus quod nōs loquentēs audītis. Spērāmus fore ut haec seriēs vōbīs placeat! Curāte ut in proximum valeātis! Et mementōte: Rem tenēte, verba sequentur.

Vocābula Dēfīnīta

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Episodion Secundum: De Idibus Martiis