Salve/Wes þu hal! I’m Graham (OE Græghama, L Graehama, -ae). I graduated from the University of Maryland in 2023 with a BA in Old English, and another in English History, with a minor in Military History. Upon graduation, I was commissioned into the U.S. Air Force, in which I currently serve.

I began reading Old English (OE) midway through studying for my History degree, and quickly fell in love with the language, the literature, and the scholarship. One of the most prominent OE scholars, J.R.R. Tolkien, quickly also became a subject of my courses, and was the subject of my first publication, which attempted to point out one way Tolkien used the OE artistic animus to write The Lord of the Rings. Through my interest in Latin (a crucial language for serious OE scholarship) I happily fell into the spoken Latin community and was thereby inspired to develop an active learning framework for OE using the same principles. It is still in its infancy, but very exciting! Following the illustrious example of my Latin colleagues, I've had an amazing time growing comfortable speaking and writing OE, as well as composing OE poetry in the traditional alliterative (and surprisingly complicated!) meter of early-medieval English.

When not reading OE or Latin, I am spending time with my wife and hanging out on the Florida panhandle. I like watching soccer and football, I'm a classically trained opera singer, and I enjoy sciolistically talking about art of all forms.

Graham “Graehama” Scheper
