Dr. Diane “Diana” Warne Anderson
Salvē! I’m Diane, vel Diāna (she/her/ea/eam). I’ve been working at Latin since I was eleven years old. Let me tell, you the first couple of decades are the hardest! I double-majored in Latin and Greek at Wellesley, and got my PHD in Classical Studies at Duke University. I specialized in Latin manuscript studies and textual criticism, with particular interest in texts that were used to teach Latin throughout the centuries. I taught Latin and palaeography in Minnesota, then came to Boston in 2014 to teach at UMass Boston.
As I progressed from 7th grade up to teaching and research, at each stage I thought, “Well now I am getting really good at Latin!” But it was not until I began attending Latin immersion programs in 2004 that I experienced the language from the inside out, and found out that one could aspire to proficiency and fluency in Latin comparable to what is expected in modern languages. By 2010, I was invited to revamp the Latin program at University of St. Thomas with communicative methods, using Hans Oerberg’s Lingua Latina per se illustrata. I began teaching at Latin immersion programs, including SALVI’s Rusticationes and the Conventiculum Bostoniense. I am also happy to be a part of Lupercal, a reading collective for women and non-binary Latinists.
One of my goals is to bridge gaps between Latin (and Greek) scholars at all levels -- professors, high school teachers, grad students, college, and K-12 students. Here’s my message: No one is a native speaker of Latin or Ancient Greek, we are all learners, at different places on the journey.
When I am not doing Latin, I enjoy yoga, walking, binge-watching, and my husband’s fantastic cooking! I am active with my alumnae class from Wellesley, I visit my mother, and hang out with my awesome son and his girlfriend whenever they let me! But then, more Latin, and also Greek!